3 Things to Know about Using Crystal Divination for Guidance and Direction

Crystal Divination is not as well-known as a card reading but it can be used for similar purposes.  The readings I do focus on the present time and what needs your attention. My readings are for guidance.  I get messages about what you need to pay attention to and areas that might need some work.  It’s not uncommon for affirmation to come through as well to let you know you are doing well in a particular area of life. 

You might be stuck or in a place where you want to know “what’s next?” The divination is a perfect way to find out. We cover 13 areas of your life using at least 14 crystals. Where the crystals fall on the chart, gives you the answers.

Why use Crystals for divination?

The beauty of using crystals is that they have their own natural energy, and our body recognizes that energy.

Crystals are also visually pure. There are no pictures or images or words on them. They are just crystals. The benefit of this is there are no visual distractions. What you are seeing are crystals where they have fallen on the grid.  It’s up to me to decipher their meaning based on where they fall. The spiritual leader who taught me geomancy (crystal divination) said something that resonated.

Crystal divination is like a walk in the woods and card reading is like a walk in the city. One is quiet and the other is busy.

Jennifer W

When I say crystals have many meanings, let’s take one for example.  Amethyst

  • sobriety
  • connection to spirit
  • healing of grief
  • opening the third eye
  • inner peace

So based on where the crystal falls for the reading, is how I’ll interpret it. In addition, messages come in to give me more guidance. The reading also depends on what other crystals fall with it. For example, if it is the same space with labradorite (which is also a crystal about spirit connection), it’ll be clearer that the message is about fostering a spiritual connection.

The Crystal Divination Chart

The divination chart I use has 13 areas. Each area designates particular areas of your life. Based on which crystals are in the area and my intuition I pinpoint what that area represents for YOU. Every reading is different and area 6 might be health for you and work for someone else.

1- self, identity, consciousness

2- money, values, possessions

3- communication, education

4- Family of origin, home

5- children, fun, environment, pleasure

6- health, service, work, habits

7- 1:1 Relationships, partnerships, marriage

8- loss and surrender

9- travel, religion, spirituality, law

10- career, reputation, social standing

11- friendship and group relations

12- What’s hidden

13. Outcome

Untitled design 20

What are the Steps of Crystal divination?

  • I have a basket with 22 crystals in it (plus a selenite crystal to clear the crystals in between readings)
  • If we are doing an in-person crystal divination, you will pick eight crystals that will NOT be part of the reading.  You actually do this by closing your eyes and reaching in the basket to take them out.
  • If we are doing a session distance or by video recording, I will ask you for eight numbers from 1-22. I then line the crystals up and pull out the 8 crystals for which you’ve given me the numbers.
  • If you have asked me to do a recording with no interaction, you’ll provide me with a list of 8 numbers and I do the same as I do for the Zoom session.
  • Then you close your eyes and toss the crystals onto the grid by you (if we are in person) or by me if we are on zoom or I’m doing a recording.
  • I do the reading and it’s recorded to email to you.

Some additional information:

Not all crystals fall onto the grid and that’s fine.  They weren’t meant to be part of the reading. For the most part, we ignore them. Sometimes, I get the message that a crystal that’s not on the grid, but has fallen nearby, needs to be included in the reading. If that’s the case, I give you the crystal message.

I take some time to study where the crystals have fallen. If they are alone in the gridded area, if they are with other crystals, if they are over the edge and in two different sections of the chart etc.  Then I share with you what I see.

As I stated earlier, most readings are focused on what you are to pay attention to at the moment. I do guidance readings.  I get messages about what you need to pay attention to and areas that might need some work.  My readings are “what to do going forward” readings.

If you are interested in using the crystals for healing purposes, you might be interested in checking out a crystal healing session.

I Send You a Recording of Your Crystal Divination

I know how it is when you are in the middle of a reading. You are so wrapped up and you “think” you’ll remember everything the person has said. Yes, I’ve been there. That’s why I decided to record the session (if you want). No matter what session you get, there will be a recording of the crystal divination and our voices. I set it up as unlisted on YouTube so that only those with the link can see it. This means that you can send it to friends but it’s not public!

Crystal Divination for the Collective

I do crystal readings for the collective each month. You can get them by signing up for my newsletter or heading on over to youtube for the monthly reading. Because these are for the collective, everything won’t fit but this will give you an idea of how a reading goes.

Yvette LeFlore

Healing with Yvette

Yvette has been intuitively connected her whole life but started intentionally studying energy work over a decade ago. She loves to share what she’s learned and her own personal journey with others.  She wants you to know that although your journey is YOURS you aren’t alone in the journey.  When one heals, we all heal.