How Spirit Played a Part in my Crystal Divination Journey

Crystal divination isn’t something I’d ever heard of until I decided to participate in a weekend training. I’d heard of reading tarot, angel cards, ruins and tea leaves but never crystals. Heck, I’d paid to have all the other readings in the past. I love getting that guidance from source.

I’m attracted to shiny new things. In the world of energy healing and spirit connection there are a ton of shiny things. There are so many things that I know nothing about and I let other people focus on them. It’s why I interview people on my FB business page, I want to bring other professionals to you to share their abilities. I’m not interested in mastering them all. I follow what I’m guided to do. I stay in my lane.

That brings me to how I got involved with crystal divination. It took me long enough to get here, didn’t it?

I was headed to a weekend event that was filled with courses to take. It was an opportunity to get a taste of all types of modalities without having to take a whole course. It’s a really great way to sample options and see where you might want to dig deeper. This event was offered by Pellucidity in Life and called Find Your Path. I highly suggest this weekend if you are able to get to one.

I chose to check out colors and healing, sound healing, Runes, geomancy, removing psychic blocks and a few other things I don’t remember. But here’s the key

I was on my way to the event, and I still remember driving over the railroad tracks and saying to spirit and my guides,

You know I like shiny things. Please lead me to the thing that I need to bring to my practice.

That weekend, I took all the classes I mentioned above. In the geomancy class, I was introduced to the concept of using a grid and crystals to give a reading and I was hooked!!!! I didn’t know anyone using this tool. I already loved crystals and I knew “THIS is why I’m here.” THIS is the shiny new thing that I’m to bring to my practice. Crystal divination!

It took me time to figure out how I wanted to bring this tool into my practice. I asked spirit for guidance and was told:

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  • How many crystals to put in the bag.
  • How many crystals to use in the reading
  • How to pick out the crystals that didn’t get thrown
  • To introduce this to my client base the month of my birthday with special pricing.
  • The cost for the session
  • To do a monthly crystal divination for the collective. You can see them on YouTube.

What I’ve found is that crystal divination brings clarity and direction to people. When I do the overall reading and share with someone the blocks they are experiencing in that area, I love the “ah ha” responses I get. People often know that something is holding them back but they don’t know what. I get the honor of helping them delve a bit deeper by using a grid and some crystals.

The feedback, thank yous and comments have let me know that this was something that was needed to fill a void.

If you want to know a bit more about how a crystal divination works, you can find that information by reading this article.

I’ve also gotten messages that I will be creating a class and teaching crystal divination to others. If you are interested, please let me know here and when the class is going to happen, I will reach out! I look forward to working with you as you bring this fun form of divination into your life.

Yvette LeFlore

Healing with Yvette

Yvette has been intuitively connected her whole life but started intentionally studying energy work over a decade ago. She loves to share what she’s learned and her own personal journey with others.  She wants you to know that although your journey is YOURS you aren’t alone in the journey.  When one heals, we all heal.