Base Chakra

My Base Chakra: The Dragon Fly Speaks

January 28, 20254 min read

Over the years, I’ve received animal messages from all types. This experience with the dragon fly was when I first started connecting to the animal messages that were being delivered. I never imagined it would speak to me about my base chakra.

Several years ago, my now husband and I were taking a walk. We stopped at one place near a lake and sat down and I noticed a red dragon fly.  Having never seen one, I thought that was pretty darn cool!  I watched it fly and dart around and didn’t think much of it.  When we were done enjoying that area, Walter meandered in one direction and I in another.


I walked to a new area where I sat down and lo and behold, the red dragon fly appeared again. This time it was persistent. It kept flying around me, settling in front of me, flying around me, settling near me, etc.  I was clear that it was getting an animal message!  (Yes, you can get messages from all types of animals.)  So, I said “ Thank you. I know you are here for me. What message do you have?”   The answer was immediate. “Work on your base.” PS. Red is the color of the base chakra. 


After saying “thank you” again, my immediate reaction was “awww man! really? The base chakra again!”  The base is about feeling secure. I’ve had to do much work over the years with my base chakra and feeling safe and secure.  Perhaps one day I’ll write a blog about the things that piled up while I was in my single digits that lead me to believe the world was not safe. 

How do I compensate for not feeling secure? Food.  (That’s one way- controlling things is another.)  To me the message was to work on food choices, and I immediately got annoyed. Funny, right?  I love getting messages but there are times when I get annoyed because I just “don’t wanna” have to do that work. The thing about this message is I knew it wasn’t just for me.


I’m really clear that as a nation, there’s a need to work on our sense of safety and security which is what our base chakra is all about.   We Do. Not. Feel. Secure and Safe!  At the time I wrote in my journal about this, it was October 2017. The month prior to the dragon fly’s visit, the nation had had three destructive and life altering hurricanes; Harvey, Irma and Maria.  Mexico had just experienced a devastating earthquake.  There was a mass shooting in Vegas and fires in California the likes of which we’d never seen. 


As I edit this today, in June 2022, Canada is having massive wildfires and the smoke is permeating the US. Mass shootings are becoming almost a daily occurrence. No matter what channel you watch, the news uses fear to keep you hooked. The pharmaceutical companies show ad after ad about all the diseases and challenges that are “chasing” us. Add to that things that are happening around the world and a whole list of things I’m sure you know about in your own life.

Our base of safety has been rocked and so this animal message was timely then and still applies today.  This doesn’t mean that you can’t feel safe and secure. It means that there’s lots of messaging out there working to the contrary. Many people have base chakras that are stagnant. 


What do we currently do about these feelings?  We get angry. We rage. We hide away. We close off. We have anxiety and depression at greater rates than ever before. We cry . Or MAYBE we use a false sense of grounding.

What is your go to way of grounding yourself in security? Are you like me and you reach for food?  Do you try and control all aspects of life and your calendar so you “know”? Do you reach for cigarettes?  Do you shop?  Gamble? Drink?  Get lost in FB, TikTok or TV?  Video games?  Maybe you use a healthy way to ground yourself.  Kudos to you. Really! Awesome work.


If you need ideas to ground yourself and feel more security, make sure to get my DIY Chakra booklet with ideas on how to do this. 


It has become evident to me that energy healing services are needed more now- as are all light workers’ services- then ever.  Our calling is to help people be secure in their earthly bodies and help them calm their emotional minds and spiritual energy.  The more we are amped up in our discomfort the more dis-ease we feel and the more diseases we manifest.  The importance of self-care during this time when we lack a feeling of security is so important.


This past week one of my clients came to me because she is not feeling secure in this country and there’s been a major impact on her and living a full and vibrant life.  When we left the session she could breathe more easily, felt more relaxed and I’d been given some messages to share with her. She had some exercises to use to help keep herself feeling safe and some crystals to use for the same purpose.


Healing with Yvette was born when I was called to bring the healing energy of Reiki to others. Every next step has been guided by spirit messages and my intuition. Each time I complete a training, the next spiritual teacher is presented so that my next level of learning, and therefore my services, is shown to me.

Yvette LeFlore

Healing with Yvette was born when I was called to bring the healing energy of Reiki to others. Every next step has been guided by spirit messages and my intuition. Each time I complete a training, the next spiritual teacher is presented so that my next level of learning, and therefore my services, is shown to me.

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